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Without the involvement of willing volunteers, Cara might not exist today.

Cara is always happy to hear from volunteers who want to support our work. While we no longer recruit unpaid interns, recognising that people deserve to be properly paid for their work, there are other ways in which people working in academia or an allied profession can support what we do:

Cara Champions

Many members of staff at our partner universities and research institutes offer their humanity, their generosity and practical support to Cara and to our Fellows. There are also many other people with no direct affiliation to academia who ‘get’ our work, and open their homes to our Fellows or help in other ways. Contact us for more information.

Become a Cara Advisor or Programme Mentor

Cara is always looking to extend its own expertise by seeking academic and professional volunteers to provide appropriate advice and guidance to support our work. This includes discipline-based and regional advice, and professional expertise in a range of fields such as media and communication.  Our two Programmes also regularly recruit mentors to support their Fellows and Syria Programme participants.  Contact us for more information.