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Our Partners and Supporters
Cara receives financial and in-kind support for its work from a variety of organisations. We and our beneficiaries offer heartfelt thanks for their continued support.
Current Supporters
All charities need funds, and Cara and its beneficiaries offer heartfelt thanks for our many donors’ generous support. A number of funders have requested anonymity, but Cara is happy publicly to acknowledge the support of the following:
Chemist’s Community Fund (Royal Society of Chemistry)
Dowager Countess Eleanor Peel Trust (DCEPT)
Fondation Liber
French Huguenot Church of London Charitable Trust
Karl Eusebius von und zu Liechtenstein Foundation
Rob Granieri Fund/Harper Philanthropic
Sir Hans Krebs Trust
Springer Nature Limited
Whitaker Charitable Trust
We are grateful to Goodenough College and International Student House, who both provide generous scholarships to cover accommodation costs for Cara Fellows in London.
We would like to acknowledge also the valuable support given to our Syria Programme (2016-2024) by Columbia Global Centers in Istanbul, by Elsevier, by Cambridge University Press and by the Society for Research into Higher Education.
Cara also receives a number of donations in memory.
Recent Supporters
April Trust, David and Claudia Harding Foundation, Eddie Dinshaw Foundation, Gatsby Charitable Foundation, Harbour Foundation, John Innes Centre, Microsoft, National Institute for Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Nuffield Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Sir Joseph Hotung Charitable Settlement, Worshipful Company of World Traders

“As the war went on, with no foreseeable ending, I knew that those dreams were on the verge of being lost. I thought I would have to enlist in the military and all I felt was despair … Cara saved my dreams from dying. Its understanding and compassion gave me hope again.”
Cara Fellow from Syria