The Guardian - Recycling rubble can help rebuild Syria faster

Dr Abdulkader Rashwani, a Cara Syria Programme Fellow and concrete expert, has been working alongside academics at The University of Sheffield to demonstrate that the recycling of concrete rubble, sadly in plentiful supply following over ten years of civil war and the recent earthquakes in Syria, provides a cheap and reliable concrete aggregate for use in the reconstruction of Syria and other countries recovering from war and natural disaster.
"Concrete rubble from destroyed buildings in Syria can be safely recycled into new concrete, scientists have shown, which will make the rebuilding of the war-hit country faster, cheaper and greener.
Syria, which was also hit by a huge earthquake in February, has a vast amount of concrete rubble, estimated at 40m tonnes. The key barrier to recycling this waste is ensuring that the new concrete is as strong and safe ..."
Read on in this article, published by The Guardian