University World News - Support for Higher Education in North-West Syria

Professor Miassar Alhasan, a Cara Syria Programme participant, is Rector of AlSham University, one of a small number of universities to have emerged since 2015 in the fragile conflict-affected area of North-West Syria. In this article in UWN, he outlines how, despite the odds, these institutions have helped to sustain access to Higher Education for local and displaced communities, and how they are working to enhance the quality of their provision and towards international recognition, with Cara’s support.
"Since the conflict began in Syria, hundreds of academics have been subjected to persecution and have lost their jobs and status in the scientific community.
For more than 10 years students at universities in Northwestern Syria have been suffering from the scourge of war – and most recently the region has been hit by devastating earthquakes, killing thousands of people including tens of students and higher education employees.
This catastrophe has shown the close links between universities and society..."
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