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Our Team

Cara has a hard-working and experienced permanent staff to deliver its complex and sensitive programmes. 

The delivery of Cara’s work is overseen by the Executive Director, with the support of the Deputy Director, Team Leaders, Programme Officers and Assistants.

Stephen Wordsworth CMG LVO
Executive Director 
Stephen has been Executive Director of Cara since 2012. Before joining Cara, he was a career member of the UK Diplomatic Service, where his last two posts were as Deputy Head of Mission in Moscow (2003-2005) and British Ambassador in Belgrade (2006-2010). He originally graduated in Modern Languages (German and Russian) from the University of Cambridge. In March 2022 Stephen was appointed Chancellor of Cardiff Metropolitan University.

See Stephen's CV.

Zeid Al Bayaty
Deputy Director & Fellowship Programme Manager
Zeid joined Cara in 2011 and worked in positions of increasing responsibility before becoming Deputy Director in 2018.

Sara Bermudez

Team Leader, Enquiries

Sinan Özyürek

Team Leader, New Fellows

Lucia Simms

Team Leader, Active Fellows and Programme Manager, InspirEurope+

Jake Coulter

Fellowship Programme Officer

Jennifer Donnellan

Fellowship Programme Officer

Ellie Jordan

Fellowship Programme Officer

Madalena Massena

Fellowship Programme Officer

Alex Purser

Fellowship Programme Officer

Tim Riches

Fellowship Programme Officer

Oscar Saunders

Fellowship Programme Officer

Linh Dieu Tran

Fellowship Programme Officer

Karolina Bilik

Fellowship Programme Assistant

Jess McFadden

Fellowship Programme Assistant

Fabio Miccoli
Fellowship Programme Assistant

Eilidh MacDonald
Cara Scotland Manager (based in Edinburgh)

Kate Robertson
Middle East/Syria Programme Adviser
Kate joined Cara as Deputy Director in 2006, and developed and ran Cara’s first regional programme, for Iraq, from 2006-2012. The Iraq Research Fellowship Programme, which she developed as part of this, led to what is now the global Fellowship Programme. She stepped down as a staff member in July 2015 but continued to work with Cara, from home and in a consultancy role, to develop ideas for Cara’s regionally-based Syria Programme, which was launched the following year and which she still runs, supported by Cara staff.

Anouf El Daher
Syria Programme Officer

James Keeley
Syria Programme Officer

Ginya Marr
Syria Programme Officer

Katy Sansum
Syria Programme Officer

Justice Albie Sachs, Cara beneficiary 1966 and 1988

"When I arrived in England in 1966, after months of solitary confinement in apartheid jails, I was a psychological wreck. You gave me wonderfully sensitive support. When I arrived in 1988, having been blown up by a bomb placed by apartheid operatives, I was a physical wreck. Once again Cara was there to help me..."

Justice Albie Sachs, Cara beneficiary 1966 and 1988